
Baule, Dan, Fang, Bambara, Bidjogo, Mumuye, Kuyu... No less than 16 pieces, some of which are particularly remarkable, are given to you to appreciate so that, I hope, a dialogue is established between them and you, between you and yourself. Because yes, I think that these pieces have the power to question us, to inform us, perhaps even in our innermost being, about who we are, collectively and individually.

Afrique Emotions catalog - Galerie Origines

The spoons that I propose to show you in this exhibition are part of the extreme richness that Africa offers to our gaze and our understanding.

Often ritual, sometimes attesting to the high rank of its owner, they always demonstrate the richness of the imagination and the talent of its sculptor. As such, they are part of the great African sculpture in the same way as the statues and masks of the different ethnic groups.

I hope to give you as much pleasure as I had in discovering these pieces and to participate, as much as possible, in making the invisible visible.